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BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams

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BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams Empty BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams

Mensaje por doc_breacher Lun 5 Mar 2012 - 9:53

BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams

I’m a lover, a figther

An American UDT SEAL diver.

That’s a rootin tootin shootin paratroopin

SCUBA diving demolition double cap crippin’


Last of the bare-knuckle fighters

No muff too tough, I dive for five

Tuck, suck, fuck, nibble and chew

I dine and interwine, masturbate,

ejaculate and copulate.

I Drive Navy trucks, that’s 2by’s, 4by’s, 6by’s

and those big mother fuckers that go Shhh Shhh

and bend in the middle.

Been around the world twice

and talked to everyone once. Seen two

white whales fuck and

been to two

pigmy picnics.

Met a man from Nantucket with a marble head and wooden cock

and ladies, if you don’t like my face you can sit on it!

ALPHA Squad · S08

Mensajes : 9248
Fecha de inscripción : 02/05/2010
Edad : 36
Localización : melilla

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BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams Empty Re: BALLAD of The US Navy SEAL Teams

Mensaje por SiX Lun 5 Mar 2012 - 10:50

Jaja muy explícito sin duda.
ALPHA Squad · S06

Mensajes : 12404
Fecha de inscripción : 01/05/2010
Edad : 35
Localización : Málaga

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