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Afghan Security Forces, SEALs Conduct Zabul Clearing Operations

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Afghan Security Forces, SEALs Conduct Zabul Clearing Operations  Empty Afghan Security Forces, SEALs Conduct Zabul Clearing Operations

Mensaje por doc_breacher Miér 9 Feb 2011 - 13:12

KABUL, Afghanistan (Jan. 26, 2011) — Members of the Afghan National Security Forces and U.S. Navy SEALs conducted routine patrols in Zabul province Jan. 23, resulting in numerous insurgents killed, several detained, and the destruction of numerous improvised explosive devices.

The insurgents were killed and detained when Afghan National Army soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 205th Corps, advised by SEALs, were involved in an engagement with insurgents in the Khak-e Afghan district.

On a separate patrol in Nawbahar district, members of the Afghan National Police, partnered with the Afghan National Army’s 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 205th Corps and SEALs, discovered three IEDs, which contained more than 100 pounds of homemade explosives.

The IEDs were safely destroyed by elements of an explosive ordnance disposal unit.

Initial reports indicate there were no civilians injured or collateral damage during either operation.

ALPHA Squad · S08

Mensajes : 9248
Fecha de inscripción : 02/05/2010
Edad : 36
Localización : melilla

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